Any company registered in the enterprise register is required to produce an annual updating declaration every year during the prescribed period, even if no change is required to the information contained in the register. This requirement only starts the year following the year the business registered.
This declaration enables a business to update its information in the enterprise register every year, during the prescribed period.
If a company fails to file its annual updating declaration for two years in a row, it risks being dissolved by the Registraire des entreprises.
Enterprises eligible for joint filing
Sole proprietorships and corporations required to file an income tax return in Quebec can file their annual updating declaration together with their tax return, if the information in the enterprise register is up-to-date. This is called “joint filing”, and it has been set up to make the updating process easier.
An enterprise whose information in the enterprise register is up-to-date can submit a joint filing simply by checking the appropriate box in its tax return.
Sole proprietors eligible for “joint filing” have until April 30 to pay the annual registration fees, and until June 15 to file their annual updating declaration.
For corporations eligible for “joint filing”, the annual updating declaration must be filed no later than six months after the end of their fiscal year.
If any changes need to be made to the information in the register, the enterprise will still have to file a separate annual updating declaration online, using the “Produire une déclaration de mise à jour annuelle” service. This service is available in My Office, under the “Gestion de l’entreprise” section.
For more information, contact the customer service of the Registraire des entreprises (in French only).
Filing periods for businesses whose annual updating declaration is not combined with their tax return
Sole proprietorship: January 1 to June 15
Corporation: May 15 to November 15
A declaration filed after the prescribed period is considered late and must be accompanied by the late filing fee. This fee must be paid even if it is the first declaration filed by the business. To find out the penalties’ amount, log into your My Office account, and go to the “Obligations non remplies” section.
Your annual obligations with Ownr
Filing the annual declaration with the government is not the only annual requirement a corporation must comply with. In addition, a company must prepare certain resolutions to approve the financial statements of the company, approve the auditor report, confirm the officers and directors, appoint or waive the auditor, and confirm certain acts the company accomplished during the year. Once you have filed your annual updating declaration with the Registraire des entreprises, either jointly with your tax return or separately, you will be able to prepare those resolutions automatically on Ownr.
Simply log into your Ownr account and click on ORGANIZATION -> Annual Returns:
Here you can find Annual Resolutions that were previously filed along with Annual Resolutions that are upcoming.
When it's time to file your Annual Resolutions, click "File Annual Return" beside the relevant year:
Then you'll be prompted to answer some questions about your business.
Most small businesses will not have held an annual shareholders meeting or appointed an auditor. In that case, indicate that your business 'has not' held a meeting or appointed an auditor, then Ownr will prepare all annual shareholder and director resolutions for your business automatically.
After you answer the questions and click "Submit" you'll review and sign the Shareholder and Director Resolutions.