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What is Ownr & FAQ
How Ownr can help your business & our most frequently-asked questions
How Do I Register on Ownr?
How Long Does Registration Take on Ownr?
Why Would I Choose Ownr Versus Registering With the Government or a Lawyer?
What Do I Get With an Incorporation?
What Do I Get With a Sole Proprietorship Registration?
How Does the RBC Rebate Offer Work?
How Do I Get the CRA Business Number?
How Do I Get the GST/HST Number?
Canadian Resident Requirements
Ownr booked an appointment for me with RBC. But there are more people involved in the business. Who needs to attend?
How can I set up a Business Deposit Account?
My refund is showing as deposited but I have not received it in my business bank account yet. Why is that?
My RBC business bank account is complete. How can I claim my rebate?
I need to reschedule the appointment that was booked for me. How can I do that?
I provided Ownr with the information needed to set up my RBC business bank account while registering. How can I check the status?
Which type of business account should I choose?
How can I remove a member’s access to the bank account?
My partners are in different locations across Canada. How do we complete the account creation process in the branch?
One of my business partners is out of the country. How do they complete the ID verification?
Can I get a business credit card with RBC?
What do I need to bring to create a business deposit account with RBC?