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What Are Policy Exclusions?
Written by Doug Huen
Updated over a week ago

Most insurance policies contain Policy Exclusions, these exclusions specify the events, business contents and perils that are not covered by the insurance policy.

It is critical to review and understand what is not covered on your insurance policy so you can enact risk prevention and elimination methods to minimize your exposures to financial losses.

Policy Exclusions can be located under the insurance declaration.

Common Exclusions

Below are some examples of the potential events and perils (also known as cause of loss) for which our insurance product will not cover:

Excluded Perils

❌ Contagious Disease

❌ Nuclear Incident and Radioactive Contamination

❌ Terrorism

❌ War, Invasion, Act of Foreign Enemy

❌ Dishonest, intentional and criminal acts

Excluded Property

❌ Animals

❌ Vacant Properties

❌ Electrical devices, appliances or wiring caused by artificially generated electrical currents.

❌ Money and negotiable items

❌ Growing plants outside the building

Excluded Events

❌ By-laws and zoning

❌ Faulty materials, workmanship, and design

❌ Fungi or spores

❌ Mysterious disappearance

❌ Wear and tear, rust, corrosion, and gradual deterioration

Please be advised that the above exclusions examples do not entail all the exclusions on your insurance policy. Please review your Insurance Declaration for further details or contact our insurance specialists by clicking the chat icon or emailing us at [email protected].

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